Smart Technology for Eco-Friendly Plastic
SAWeco Company advocates REUSE, RECYCLE, REDUCE and eventual REMOVAL of plastic waste when using plastic to save the environment - through more use of recycled resins and biodegradable additive technology in the manufacture of plastic product and packaging.
Biodegradation is proven and faster than competing additive technologies
Treated products maintain current properties that can be used, reused and recycled
None or minimal change in processing conditions using tiny dose of additive
Smart Technology for Eco-Friendly Plastics
SAWeco builds its reputation through the years by being resourceful in the plastic industry and fostering trust and strong partnerships with customers, suppliers and manufacturers. We work with technology developers and manufacturers to offer products that are better for the environment and future generation.
We want to make all plastic packaging biodegradable before they are used, reused and eventually disposed.
Biodegradability is a substance's natural breakdown by microorganisms, like bacteria and fungi. While plastics are biodegradable, they traditionally take centuries to decompose. Our technology accelerates plastic polymer biodegradation, providing a quicker, cost-effective, and eco-friendly path towards a sustainable future.

With our biodegradable additive technology , plastic polymer biodegradation is faster, economical, and aligned with a sustainable future.
Make the earth cleaner, make the earth greener.
Advocates REUSE, RECYCLE and REDUCE when using plastic to save the environment.
Advocates more use of recycled resins & biodegradable plastic technology in plastic products and packaging.
Partners with technology developer - BioSphere Plastic, LLC in 2014.
SAWeco distribution of Additives to territories include Canada, Turkey and all countries in South East Asia.
Keep current conditions of Plastic Packaging/Products but make them more eco friendly
Save cost, cheaper than using costly Bioresins
Plastic takes decades or centuries to self-biodegrade or destroy. Without accelerated biodegradation, untreated packaging will continue to pile up subsequently contributing to pollution, limiting space and forcing need to build more landfills.
Act NOW and save our environment as we grow our business.
Problem with Plastic
Plastic can be a problem...
Data source: Geyer et al. (2017); OECD (2022)
Data source: OECD (2023)
Data source: OECD (2023)

Without accelerated biodegradation, untreated packaging will continue to pile up subsequently contributing to pollution, limiting space and forcing need to build more landfills.
Variety of products to be biodegradable

Water Bottles



Disposable Bags


Food Packaging

Drinking Cups & Lids

And More...
Explore our blog for in-depth articles and valuable resources delving into the science of biodegradation, waste-to-energy processes, recycling insights, and more.

Exploring the Challenges in Big Plastic’s $1.5 Billion Global Cleanup Initiative
Nearly four years post the initiation of the Alliance to End Plastic Waste, its practical recycling impact is minimal when contrasted with the fresh plastic output from its primary members—petrochemical

Can chemical recycling revolutionize the uphill battle of plastic recycling?
Plastic pollution stands as a significant environmental challenge, impacting both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Since World War II, humanity has generated a staggering nine billion cubic tons of plastic, yet effective recycling remains a considerable hurdle.

Nations Leading the Way in Recycling Efforts
Which nations have excelled in reducing landfill waste through efficient recycling practices? In the realm of OECD countries, Germany stands out as an exemplary model, composting or recycling 65 percent
Our biodegradable additives are compatible with virtually any plastic product, making them the ideal choice for a broad range of global industries. Whether ready-made or custom, we can provide the perfect biodegradable solution.